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- Terrorism and the Media, Tim Dunne, APR ([email protected])
- Tranforming National Defence Administrations–The Claxton Papers No. 6 (pdf), Edited by Douglas L. Bland, School of Policy Studies, Kingston, Ontario, September 2005.
- The Dangers in Afghanistan, Ottawa Citizen, September 19, 2005.
- Why are we in Afghanistan? Mary Janigan, The Globe and Mail, September 19, 2005.
- Kandahar mission may get bigger bang: M777 Howitzer: ‘They wanted more firepower, and they wanted it fast’, Chris Wattie, (First Published in National Post, September 6, 2005.)
- Air Force Plan Would Replace Ageing Fleet: Cheaper to Buy New Aircraft than Maintain Some Older Ones, Chris Wattie (First Published in National Post, August 31, 2005.)
- Canadian Government Seeks SAR Payback, Sharon Hobson, (First Published in Jane’s Defence Weekly, August 26, 2005.)
- Why We’re Saluting Smokey, J. L. Granatstein, (First Published in Globe and Mail, August 11, 2005.)
- The Need for Canadian Strategic Lift, Ray Szeto and Barry Cooper, Fraser Institute, August 2005.
- From Myth to Reality Check; From Peacekeeping to Stabilization (pdf), Sean M. Mahoney, Royal Military College. (First Published in Policy Options, IRPP, Summer 2005.)
- Middle Power Goes to the Margin, Howie Marsh, Conference of Defence Associations (CDA) Senior Defence Analyst, (This paper was first presented at the Annual Conference of Queen’s Centre for International Relations, June 15-17, 2005.)
- Remarks to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Alain Pellerin, Executive Director, Conference of Defence Associations (CDA), June 16, 2005.
- Securing Canada’s Ocean Frontiers: Charting the Course from Leadmark (pdf), Department of National Defence, May 31, 2005.
- Defence Policy Statement: A Role of Pride and Influence in The World (pdf), Department of National Defence, May 12, 2005.
- From Kabul to Konduz: Lessons for Canadian Reconstruction of Afghanistan (pdf), Sean M. Mahoney, Royal Military College. (First Published in Policy Options, IRPP, May 2005.)
- Understanding the Crisis in Canadian Security and Defence (pdf), CDA Institute, March 2005.
- Canada, Quebec, Anti-Americanism and Our Leadership Vacuum, J. L. Granatstein, (Speech given at the Canadian Defence Associations Institute meeting in Ottawa, February 2005.)
- Four Submarines and a Funeral (pdf), Professor Sunil Ram, American Military University. (This article was originally published in Defense & Technology, V.III, No. 31, December 2004. D&T is one of India’s premier monthly defense magazines focusing on weapons systems, intelligence and security.)
- Canada’s Submarines in Context (pdf), Richard H. Gimblett, November 2004.
- (This article was first published in SITREP, Vol. 64, No. 2 (Nov/Dec 2004), and is copyrighted by the Royal Canadian Military Institute and reproduced here with permission.)
- Parliament Had Failed in its Duty, Professor Douglas Bland, Chair of the Defence Management Studies program at the School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University.
- (First published in the Ottawa Citizen, October 15, 2004.)
- The Forces Need More Resources, Lieutenant-Général Richard Evraire (Ret’d), Conference of Defence Associations (CDA).
- (First published in the Ottawa Citizen, October 15, 2004.)
- Who’s to Blame? J.L. Granatstein.
- (First published in the Ottawa Citizen, October 15, 2004.)
- Government Foot-Dragging Must End, Robert C. Nixon, Executive Director, The Naval Officers Association of Canada.
- (First published in the Ottawa Citizen, October 15, 2004.)
- It’s Time to Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way, Gary H. Rice, Col., CA/CF, (Ret.), October 2004.
- Home Sweet Home, Diane Collier.
- (First Published in the Pembroke Daily Observer, October 2004.)
- Today’s Peacekeeping Calls For Combat Trained Forces, MGen. (ret’d) Ray Crabbe, (First Published in the Winnipeg Free Press, August 2004.)
- Canada the Peacekeeper? A Myth that Should Die, Professor Sunil Ram, American Military University, (First published in the Globe and Mail, August 25, 2004.)
- The Grits’ Defence Sham, J. L. Granatstein, (First published in the National Post, August 21, 2004.)
- A Soldier, A Movie and the War on Terrorism: What a 1970 movie can tell us about the war we are in (pdf), Col (Ret’d) Douglas G. Schnelle, August 2004. (Col D.G. Schnelle spent 26 years in the United States Army and United States Army Reserve. He retired from active duty in June 2004 and resides in Washington State. The views expressed in this essay are those of the author and do not reflect the views of any agency of the United States Government.)
- Air Force Vision, Department of National Defence, May 2004. (Permission to link to this document was given to CCS21 by Stephen Keough, Air Force Public Affairs.)
- Securing an Open Society: Canada’s National Security Policy (pdf), Privy Council Office, April 2004.
- Speech to Royal Canadian Military Institute (pdf), Toronto, by HCol (Ret’d.) Fred Mannix, April 22, 2004.
- Opening Statement to Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence (pdf), J.L. Granatstein, April 28, 2004.
- Remarks to the Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence (pdf), Lieutenant-General Richard J. Evraire (Ret’d.), Chairman – Conference of Defence Associations, April 19, 2004.
- Canada Needs a National Security Intelligence Policy (pdf), Brigadier General (Ret’d) James S. Cox, April 2004.
- Proposed Force Structure for the 21st Century (pdf), Jan Kool, March 2004.
- In the National Interest: Canadian Foreign Policy in an Insecure World (pdf). Prepared for the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute (CDFAI) by Denis Stairs, David J. Bercuson, Mark Entwistle, J.L. Granatstein, Kim Richard Nossal and Gordon S. Smith, 2004.